Von diesen internationalen Musiklabeln, Agenturen, Musikverlagen wurden bzw. werden wir bemustert (bitte auf das + klicken zum Öffnen des jeweiligen Registers):
Promo Partner 0 - A
42 Is The Answer
5pm Records
AAA Culture
Accession Records
Acoustic Music Records
Airplay Access (USA)
AirPlay Direct (USA)
Alligator Records (USA)
Alster Records
A&O Reocords
ARC Music Productions (GB)
Argon Verlag
Artist MS
Asphalt Tango Records
Promo Partner B
Backseat PR
Bauer Studios
Bear Family Records
Beats International
Be Famous
Believe Digital
Bellaphon Records / Bellmotion
Bertus Musikvertrieb
Beste! Unterhaltung
Black & Tan Records NL
Black Pike Favorites (CH)
Blue Flame Records
Boomrush Productions
Bogner Records
Broken SIlence
Brambus Records (CH)
BSC Music
bureau B
Promo Partner C - F
Calygram Records
cmm online Rock Agentur
CE Promotion
CO2 Promotion
COM-ES Schallplatten- und Musikverlag
Dance All Day
Delicious Tunes
Eiffelbaum Records
F.A.M.E. Artist Recordings
Fiesta Records
FIWI Music (Jamaica)
Foghorn Media (Australia)
Frontiers Music ITA
Promo Partner G - J
Galileo Music
GerMusica Promotion
Greywood Records
Heyblau Records
Hofa Medien
Hypertension Music
India Media Group
iGroove AG (CH)
Itchy Dog Records
JAY KAY Event & Music
JeBu Records
JB Music
Joel Heyard Productions (LUX)
JenTech Records
Promo Partner K - O
Kick The Flame Publishing
Klondike Record & Songs
Loggins Promotion (USA)
Lemongrass Music
MAC Radio Promo USA
Major Promo Music
MCP Sound & Media (AT)
Medialuchs Musikmrketing
M-I-G music (Made in Germany)
Mike's Music Records
Mind of Music
MMP - mute music promotion
Mocher Music
Mons Records
Mosaik Music Promotion
Motor Music / Motor Entertainment
MPN - Music Promotion Network / Phononet
N-Gage Productions (CH)
NoCut Entertainment
Nuclear Blast Records
Oetinger Verlagsgruppe
Oktober Promotion
Out of Line Music
Ozella Music
Promo Partner P - R
[PIAS] Recordings
[ps] promotion
Pianissimo Music
Popup Records
Postedecoute / 45 Tours (Canada)
Prosodia Verlag für Musik und Literatur
push2play music
Radiopluggers (GB)
Rattay Music
Rebelheart Music Solutions
RUF Records
Promo Partner S - Z
Scarlet Records (TA)
Schimmelpfennig & Friends
SINE Music
Songs & Whispers
Sony Music
Spotted Peccary Music (USA)
SPV Music Distribution
Tapete Records
Timezone Records
Ulterium Records (SWE)
V2 Records Benelux
Virgin Music
Vizztone Label Group (USA)
Waterfall Records
Westpark Music
ZYX Music
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